


4.8 Based on 77 reviews
Abhishek Kumar – 4 months ago

Good institute. I would say one of the best educational institute where each students are taken care very well. During the pandamic online classes are programmed (conducted) very well... In This era we shouldn't only focus on education but also sports and I'm glad to say my kinds are having fun in both. This is the wow institute...

Dr.J.M. SHOBA – 4 months ago

Exemplary and pioneer Institution in a rural area. An avid explorer's vision n mission to expose the children to varied international teaching methodologies. The entire school crew endeavor to make students accomplish the unfathomed goals.

Sujatha v – 3 months ago

Good institute.l would say one of the best Educational institute where each students are taken care. During pandemic online classes are programmed (conducted) very this area we should not only focus on education But also sports and I,m glad to say my kind in both . This is the wow institute.....

MONA KUMARI – 4 months ago

ADHIYAMAN PUBLIC SCHOOL is the Best place where the FUTURE of the students could be shaped for both personal and professional life. Dedication of teachers for students and cooperative administration for parents is unique property of this institution.

Sugumar m – 3 months ago

It is an amazing school with very good infrastructure. School gives more importance for the children's future.