Worst college ever seen i feel bad to give them one star also it worst college we pay 1lakh fees but maintaince and teachers bkth are waste no good clg all scam jee amd neet ranks dosent give priority to students who are week always toppers compared to this idiotic naryana college goverment colleges are awesome..... No proper teaching and dosent follow covid protocalls not even one teacher wear mask in classes..... No hyginie all dirty bathrooms and clg is worst clg i can Please i request u guys tht never join in naryana colleges its worst clg in my life i hv never seen.... Its worst college.......... I feel shame to give them one star also tht college is not capable of getting one star also Its the worst college......
I would suggest students to not join CV raman nagar branch because the faculties are not up to the mark and there is student harassment going on day to day ..teachers abuse students for asking doubts.. Students have been given mental pressure which causes so many health issues to the students . Students are been embarrassed intentionally by the faculties..i request strict actions to be taken regarding this.. Because if this further goes on there would be so many students affected by mental stress.. Hope this comes to an end
At first .... It will a bit strict kinda atmosphere.... But later as the days pass.... The love care and attention we get from all the faculty is the best experience ...
The property of benches and chairs is not Good Even some people are felling down from the chairs
Its totally a trap, that many of us fell to. About studies- faculty members are the worst , they are not at all qualified or experienced, don't even know basics of ncert. If you have taken pcmb they won't teach math until the last month of yours boards . They say its cbse college but they remove the cbse label from the board during inspection, no teachers for cbse students. Lab is not maintained, you get to do lab only during last day before your final practicals, they bribe the pu board members. They just want to complete syllabus, their weekly exams are conducted from questions based on the material they provide , they won't even change the options they just expect us to mug up the options. Its truly waste of time and your future. Then about sports and other activities- they take you to a common ground once a year before a sports event. The campus does not have any facilities to hold any event. Fees- fees vary from student to student , no fixed fees, for me for both the years it was nearly 3 lakh. I paid this amount to waste my future. And i still regret this decision. The hoardings showing the ranks are totally fake , don't believe them they try to fool you, you can see the same name and rank repeating many times in that rank list. From my batch which was topmost batch in that college no one got mbbs or iit seat through govt or general category. Dress code- they expect you to dress in a way they like, conservative indian clothing for Saturdays. Its truly a hell , if you think you can devote your two years completely to get into a college you like, you are wrong, you will just be wasting yor precious time and money 🤑. You will fall into depression later. So think wisely before joining here. And beware of other reviews , all those people giving 5 stars are just their faculty member, or they persuade students there to give such ratings.