About The location of Gogamukh Higher Secondary School is Gugamukh Ward No 1, Dhemaji. The year of establishment of Gogamukh Higher Secondary School is 1975. Gogamukh Higher Secondary School is a Co-Educational school. The student teacher ratio of Gogamukh Higher Secondary School can be approximated to be 1 teacher for every 18 students. It is a Sr. Secondary School (Class 6-12), where lowest class is 6th and highest class is 12th You can check other important information regarding the school like Gogamukh Higher Secondary School fee, their transport facility and other important information that you need to know regarding Gogamukh Higher Secondary School admission. Browse below to read everything you need to know about Gogamukh Higher Secondary School. Schools Square provides you with the up to date information of every school across India and world.
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