Good school.nice teaching.
I gave one star because I have one of d worst experience in dis school firstly they will call u for d interview dn we have to wait for d 30 to 35 minutes dn they will knw us dt we don't want any inexperienced person for dt position... So I just want to tell u kindly check resume dn call for d interview ... Evn they dnt deserve evn one star bcz they wasted my 35 minutes....
They give more attention on jee. Not good teaching for boards
Really very bad school.I have taken admission in June 2020.They are just taking more fees and their education level in zero.Doubt are not solved.Very bad management.If you want to spoil your future just join Modi school.Even I have complained about this pathetic management but authorities are just speaking like a parrot they don't have time to hear the complains.So better you prefer Unacademy,Akash and Allen they are good for both A group and B group.
The Modi school is very best I experience this school