Oldest hospital of kasganj
This is the oldest hospital of Kasganj. This hospital is a missionary hospital, run by Church of North India. This is the best hospital in the city Kasganj. This hospital is providing best treatment, best facilities, best pathology laboratory, best x-ray facilities, best ultrasound facilities. School of nursing is also here. This hospital is providing following courses too. 1.GNM course, 2.ANM course, 3.0. T. Technician course, 4. x-ray technician course, 5.Laboratory technician course Etc. Excellent.
not availabling oxygen supply to covid patient nd does't care properly the hspitl goal only to make money from the patient so they are doing to make report fake to the patient so they stay nd pay the amount if they can not consider my msg then i will complain to tbe higher authority nd i have the power also so take it seriously take care of the patient properly
Nice doctors and nurses duty
Good health