This Administration office is fully dedicate to public services, head officer is IAS,all works is supervise by IAS sir.
Good government building ,Near District Court and Collectrate Building ,of Mahasamund
The Panchayat Samiti is formed for several Gram Panchayats. This division or a block level panchayat can also be called. The election of its members is done by all the Panchayat members of that area. District council is formed by combining all Panchayat Samities in any district. Most members of the Zilla Parishad are elected. In the Zilla Parishad, MPs and MLAs from the district and elected to the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly and some officials of the district level institutions are also in the form of a member. The head of the Zilla Parishad is the political head of this council
Zilla Panchayat My experience has been very good. There is a lot of support from the officers. Proper arrangement of meeting and water .. The cooperative, guidance and polite behavior of the Chief Executive Officer is one of the best experiences.