Arya Mission Vidyapith is a very renown school in Deoghar . The school is fully residential and is managed by Ancient Gurukul system. Thus the relation between the teachers and the students is excellent like Father and son or daughter. This is the only school where IIT foundation course is taught, means The students are taken care from the childhood so that they can get admission in IITs or IIMs. There is no scope of getting admission in this school as Day Scholar. The most attractive part is a very qualitative education is given for a very minimal cost including fooding and lodging.
Very bad school
Is class 1 to 5 anual exam is finished in your school or not
The worst school ever. No discipline. Teaching is not good enough. Costly books of unknown publications. Girls hostel is worst. This school is not as said on the time of admission. They will try to downgrade your child 1 or 2 classes to earn money by taking test and breaking the confidence of your child. This school is rubish.
according to education point of view it is very good school but in hostel Or food wise not good here food quality is very bad and you also not get food full stomach