Beware: Don't pay advance cash if you are going to pay for the treatment with cashless insurance, I was asked to pay an advance of 10k and during my final bill after insurance clearance, hospital has to return some balance amount but they didn't do it, instead adjusted it with some new pharmacy bills. Hospital service and care is very good, house keeping is very clean
It's good for poor and middle class peoples. Charges are affordable.
No proper car bike parking they don't allow to park vehicle inside worst management
It's good response and service
This Hospital was opened in the year 1997 for childrens, women's and poor peoples. Bell Pins Indrani Chelladurai Trust was helped to construct this hospital and donate now and then they can. 24 hours working Pharmacy was there. Very good prayerful passionate doctors are there with the head medical Superintendent Dr. Jeyam Juliet.