Mahajan is a village panchayat located in the Bikaner district of Rajasthan state,India. The latitude 28.7852626 and longitude 73.846407 are the geocoordinate of the Mahajan. Jaipur is the state capital for Mahajan village. It is located around 282.7 kilometer away from Mahajan.. The other nearest state capital from Mahajan is Dehradun and its distance is 211.1 KM. The other surrouning state capitals are Raipur 304.6 KM., Delhi 328.3 KM., Chandigarh 357.6 KM.,
After a official work , Mahajan being the nearest station , I had opted for a train travel from Mahajan Railway Station. The place is very isolated. There are only a few shops outside for getting some snacks and cool drinks. The main road is a km away and there are no rickshaws. There is a shop who take order and prepare food. It's a home cooked food and not a restaurant. Taste was excellent . Whenever a train comes , vendors appear out of no where. Station is very clean and there is good supply of water.
Hmmm Ooo....that 🤗
Railway station was just ok
Major and prime railway station .which connect Bikaner to Suratgarh. And entire area are more senetive as Military area near to it . So always carry and I'd card with you.while traveling to Mahajan. Proud of Indian Army . JAI HIND