Aa village with maximum number of govt employees,national players and president bravery awarded mr.pardeep gujjar(sir g)..have been our 1st district president mr.surajpal master ji..so let us flow with dreams...
Prince Achhwan Gujjar
Captain dairy budhera baghpat up 17
Good place
Lovely village , people here are friendly , nice and humble . I carry many many memories of this place , this village has taught me and I learn from this village the real village living it's nice to see people start working early in the morning they work with their cows buffaloes and other milk giving animals the ladies cook at their home the men and the children and the ladies go to their fields to work in the fields It is an amazing experience to see them working and enjoying their village life This village got many coming these but all are very very well connected known to each other they stay like a family the work like family and they help each other whenever wherever required Such a good place the real village call budhera The party gate entry on one side of the village as well as the tampel gives a start touch to the village Long live The people of budhera and they stay happy forever