Chamaria Satra Block / Tehsil → Chamaria District → Kamrup State → Assam About Chamaria Satra According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Chamaria Satra village is 302990. Chamaria Satra village is located in Chamaria Tehsil of Kamrup district in Assam, India. It is situated 1km away from sub-district headquarter Chamaria and 25km away from district headquarter Amingaon. As per 2009 stats, Chamaria is the gram panchayat of Chamaria Satra village. The total geographical area of village is 103.59 hectares. Chamaria Satra has a total population of 2,227 peoples. There are about 503 houses in Chamaria Satra village. Amingaon is nearest town to Chamaria Satra which is approximately 25km away.
It's the Proud we feel!!!!!
An well managed ancient SATRA (place of worship) established by Mahapurus Madhabdev.
Great Place
Nice place