The junior college CHITRAKOOT INTER COLLEGE is located in the area KARWI of KARWI. CHITRAKOOT INTER COLLEGE is in the CHITRAKOOT district of UTTAR PRADESH state. pincode is 210205.
Chitrakoot inter college is a higher secondary school. It is located in urban area karwi which is district headquarters of chitrakoot Dham Karwi. CIC was established in 1934 . It's managenent is pvt. Aided. It is the first college of district which is open before freedom. It is hindi medium school, lowest class 6th and highest class 12th . CIC has large ground for playing cricket , football etc.
My school or a college 6-12 but still it is. Amazing place. The whole for me at least . I spend my 6 most important years there. Stablished around 1936.
My college